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In This Issue

Beach Spotlight: Bayfront Park West
-by Mark Donselar A fantastic little park in Petoskey for finding petoskey stones and more!
Misadventures in Rockhounding: Gold Fever Strikes Again
-by Peter Felrisco Don’t be fooled by one of gold’s several look-alikes!
An Intro to Lapidary Arts
-by Jordan Luebben It’s an ancient art with modern tools.
Reading Your Rocks: Every Rock Has a Story to Tell... or Belt Out
-by Craig McClarren Gary Folnsbee’s garnet-filled gneiss will blow your mind!
Why is Your Rock Looking Back at You?
-by Zara Pride Pareidolia: if you’re seeing faces in your rocks, just remember that it’s all in your head!
A Closer Look: Beautiful Basalt
-by Dr. Shannon Nawotniak Most people think of basalt as the boring black rock, but under a microscope, it becomes a rainbow of color!
How Are They Different?
-by Craig McClarren Rocks, stones, minerals, jewels, gems, and crystals: you know all the words, but could you really tell us the difference between a crystal and a mineral?

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This Issue

About Great Lakes Rock Hunter Mag

For rockhounds of all types, focusing on the Great Lakes region and the treasures therein. With crafting how-to's, location recommendations, camping reviews, identification tips, historical accounts, science features, personal tales, psychological insights, and more... Great Lakes Rock Hunter provides everything you're looking for in a practical and fun rockhounding magazine

Publisher: Great Lakes Rock Hunter Mag
Published: Monthly
Language: English
Compatibility: iOS/Android App + Web Reader

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About The Publisher

GLRH is published by M Geologic, an Earth Science educational services company founded by Michigan geologist, Craig McClarren. M Geologic employs over-educated... read more

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