Magnifique Magazine is the culmination of many years of research into how to attract Life Magnificence through the Law of Attraction, including tried and tested guidance I have been privileged to receive. My name is Jen Quigley and I am the Publishing Editor.
Being an avid fan of "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, a smash hit, life-changing movie and book which reached global phenomenon status back in 2006, I've watched it so many times, I've lost count.
I was introduced to “The Secret” by a lady at my day job in the corporate sector, where I worked as an administration clerk. She overheard me complaining in the lunch room to a colleague about my life and said, “Ohh - you need to read and watch The Secret”. For somebody to interject and speak up like that when I wasn’t actually speaking to her meant that I probably ought to, need to, take her advice - and so I did.
That was the beginning of me reading the book and then watching the movie “The Secret” over several years, somewhere in excess of 40 times.
Initially, I struggled to make it work for me. Some dreams and goals were definitely manifesting, but most (like the real important ones) were taking too long. So, I began to research the Law of Attraction to find out whether or not it was real, if I was doing anything wrong and to see if it was even possible to live life by design, instead of by default.
Through my research, which today has spanned more than 10 years, I was fortunate to connect and interact with many of the world’s best teachers and mentors of our time, some of whom were featured teachers and stars in “The Secret”. After following their guidance, results began to show up and it was from that point that I started collating the exact process I was being taught to follow.
This culminated in what I believe are 12 specific steps which are availed to Magnifique Subscribers ONLY, who can unlock and open these steps for attracting Life Magnificence. They will discover how to successfully engage the Law of Attraction, as well as use the latest brain and thought re-training techniques which promises to help them attract Life Magnificence.
When the time was right, I decided to take an early retirement from my day job to focus on Magnifique and am now semi-retired living a life of passion, mostly in Queensland, Australia.
The guidance I have been privileged to receive from our featured teachers and mentors enables me to do what I love and to love what I do. During today's uncertain times, now more than ever my team and I are passionate about extending the hand to those who know in their hearts their dreams are worth it, who really want more from life.
My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible experience life magnificence, whatever that may mean for them. Life is too short to have it otherwise.
Welcome to Magnifique!