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In This Issue

1) Compassion Gravity - Dr Elizabeth Adams (Neuropsychologist and Founder of https://www.mn-np.com)
Dr Elizabeth Adams talks about how parents of children with learning difficulties who have had similar struggles in the past need to acknowledge their past experiences and let the negative feelings associated with them go so that they can approach their child's learning experience with compassion.
2) Success At Seventy - By Nicole Ott (Educator and Founder https://www.facebook.com/ConfidentReadersTutoring)
Nicole shares the story of her seventy-six-year-old father, Bill, who has been making a sincere effort to learn to read for the past seventy years with little success but was determined to keep trying. Nicole has worked with him this past year using the Linguistic Phonics approach, and together they've found success at last.
3) Neurodiversity Supercharges Innovation - by Krista Gauthier (Neurodiversity advocate, Educator, and Founder of https://www.sdsquared.org/)
Krista Gauthier discusses how the educational system and, consequently, our workforce can adequately prepare and harness the power of neurodiverse individuals who are uniquely suited to meet the demands of our changing world to propel us into the future.
4) Dystinct Journey of Barry Walsh - How dyslexia has helped me in my education and work – by Barry Walsh (Neurodiversity advocate and Founder of https://focusondiversity.ie/)
Barry Walsh talks about how having dyslexia and dyspraxia has defined him at various stages in his life and offers practical advice to individuals at each stage, so they can find success along the way just as he did.
5) Top tips for Job Hunting - by Barry Walsh (Neurodiversity advocate and Founder of https://focusondiversity.ie/)
Barry Walsh shares job hunting tips for neurodiverse individuals based on the strategies that he has found helpful in all his years of job hunting and being a neurodiversity advocate helping organisations streamline their process of recruiting neurodiverse employees.
6) Dystinct Journey of Caleb Braswell
The story of 10-year-old Caleb Braswell and his Air Force veteran mum Connie Braswell who went back to university to do a master's in education and founded her own private school to help Caleb and others like him find a love for learning.
7) When Writing Hurts - by Cathy Parvin (Director at https://www.dyspraxia-ed.co.uk)
Cathy Parvin discusses the case study of an 8-year-old child with DCD who had handwriting difficulties and how Cathy's work with the child over a 12-week period helped improve her handwriting and self-esteem.
8) The Culture View of Reading - by Cheryl Urbanczyk (Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist (CERI/IDA), Fellow-in-Training with the Orton-Gillingham Academy and Founder of https://learnliteracy.com/
Cheryl Urbanczyk elaborates on her infographic 'The Culture View of Reading', which includes considerations of equity, diversity, and inclusion and puts student identity at the centre of the literacy process.
9) A Journey of Dyslexia, Daydreaming & Resilience - by Emma Murphy (Muralist, Interior Designer & Visual Merchandiser https://emmamurphystyling.myportfolio.com/)
The inspiring story of a 43-year-old dyslexic muralist and designer, Emma Murphy, who has gone from being an anxious child made to repeat grade 2 to an outstanding artist leaving her artistic mark on the streets and stores of Australia.
10) 10 Reading Comprehension Tips - by Christine Ducz (Reading Specialist and Founder of https://www.littlereadingcoachllc.com/)
Christine Ducz discusses how reading comprehension is integral to all subjects and provides helpful tips and strategies to strengthen reading comprehension in middle and high school students.
11) Dystinct Journey of Subash Chandra Bose Anuradha (3D Generalist, 3D printing enthusiast, entrepreneur https://inatom.space/)
Subash Chandra Bose Anuradha is a 19-year-old tech entrepreneur wise beyond his years. This article shares how he has managed to dream of a better world for dyslexic students all over India and is working towards his aspiration in a system that considers students with learning difficulties as good for nothing.
12) Virtual Support for Students with Learning Disabilities - by Deepa Gosal (Educational Therapist and Founder https://www.learningtreecoach.com)
Deepa Gosal discusses how virtual special education instruction can be more advantageous than in-person learning when delivered in an engaging fashion and provides practical suggestions for parents to create a positive online learning environment for their children.
13) Dystinct Journey of Anne van Gessel - by Anne van Gessel (Author, Motivational Speaker and Certified Life Coach https://www.annevangessel.com/)
Anne van Gessel shares lessons from her life that have shaped who she is today in the hope of helping others find compassion for themselves and be comforted by the fact that they are not the only ones who experienced challenges that learning difficulties bring.

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This Issue

About Dystinct Magazine

Dystinct Magazine seeks to find the extra ordinary that lies within the ordinary. Every dyslexic child is blessed to be distinctively different. We have set out to identify and nurture these differences to instil a strong sense of achievement in children who are often forgotten about. We also bring to you relevant up to date advice from leading experts in the industry to help you navigate the path to success.

1 in 5 children who pass through our one size fits all education system are on the dyslexia continuum, diagnosed or not. They are repeatedly dismissed as too dumb or unaidable leaving desperate parents with very few avenues to turn to. Our beautiful children are broken by the very system that is meant to nurture and raise them. These are promising young minds who are made to feel worthless over and over again because the system has failed to recognise their differences. Their struggles are often brushed under the rug or the system recognises their existence but lacks the capacity to make the changes necessary to accommodate their uniqueness.

There is a need to change the narrative around dyslexia from that of ‘slow’, ‘not working hard enough’, ‘lazy’ to one of hardworking, passionate, uniquely different and worthy.

Dystinct Magazine aims to instill a strong sense of self-worth in dyslexic children who have had unfair opportunities chipping away at their self-esteem throughout their existence. Our mission is to foster a community that celebrates the difference of dyslexia.

Not every dyslexic child is magically a genius. Oftentimes, we spend hours looking for the genius or outside the box thinking in our dyslexic kids failing to realise that it was in them all along, hidden in plain sight under the years self-doubt and shame that the society ingrained in them for not matching up to their peers. We aim to peel back at these negative layers of damaged self-esteem and provide the children with a platform to truly appreciate their uniqueness, take pride in their difference and revel in the knowledge that within their difference, lies their strength.

We are here with a commitment to empower dyslexics and their champions so that, they can discover the strengths within themselves and appreciate the uniqueness that dyslexia has offered them.

Publisher: Dystinct Magazine
Published: Quarterly
Language: English
Compatibility: iOS/Android App + Web Reader

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About The Publisher

I’m Zahra Nawaz from Melbourne, Australia. While I’m not chasing after my boys or cooking up a storm in the kitchen, I work with dyslexic and... read more

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