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In This Issue
- Diving Into Black Coffee
- There's no better way to explore the natural taste and aroma experiences of coffee than to enjoy it black. In this issue of Extracted Magazine, we explore diving into the world of black coffee.
- Video: Taste Coffee Better By Eliminating Sugar
- One of my top recommendations for learning how to taste coffee better is to completely eliminate added sugar to your diet. Consuming things like fruit with sugar in them is just fine, but you'll be surprised how much sugar is in everything, and how removing it can make the natural taste of your food more apparent.
- Coffeehouse of the Angels - Part 2
- Coffee in Istanbul - exploring through Sultanahmet and Hagia Sophia
- Video: Coffee Review - Mocha Java by Ladro
- On this show, I smell, taste, enjoy, and share Ladro Coffee Roaster's Mocha Java Blend, as part of their Sinergia Project - exploring high-end coffee blends.
- Coffee Lovers Radio: The Coffee Taste 101 Guide
- Many episodes of Coffee Lovers Radio past, Joseph came up with the concept for his Coffee Tasting 101 Guide. This episode of the show is a long time coming – in which we sit down, go over the guide, how to get into tasting coffee and talk about various ideas of taste, experience, and memory.
- Filter Stories: Tito
- In the latest episode of Filter Stories, we follow the untold story of the world famous Gesha coffee.It begins with Tito, an 18 year old boy living on the slopes of volcano in Panama.
- Letter From the Editor: My Black Coffee Journey
- The journey into drinking coffee black is a fascinating transition. This is one of those spots in the world of coffee where there can be a large gap between coffee drinkers.
- This Month in Coffee
- A look into the world of coffee: Coffee Price Crisis, Coffee Species at Risk of Extinction, Modern Painters, Fair Trade, and More …
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About Extracted
Extracted Magazine educates and empowers coffee drinkers everywhere through craft specialty coffee.
Though coffee is consumed worldwide, many are unaware of its capability or significance. Extracted empowers you to find the richness of flavor, history, and relationships of the coffee in your cup.
Category: Food & Drink, Lifestyle, Entertainment
Publisher: Extracted
Published: Monthly
Language: English
Compatibility: iOS/Android App + Web Reader
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About The Publisher
My name is Joseph Robertson. I kind of accidentally fell into coffee. It was social convention that got me into it... You go on a date and you have a coffee....
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